For Immediate Release – Chamale Cove Fire

1358 Corporate Square Drive
Slidell, LA  70458
Phone:  (985)649-3665     Fax:  (985)646-4865

Larry Hess, Fire Chief

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE    October 11, 2012

Date of incident October 11, 2012

Residential Structure Fire at 92 Chamale Cove West

Slidell, LA.-St. Tammany Fire District#1 responded to a residential
structure fire at 92 Chamale Cove West, in just over 5 minutes
firefighters arrived on the scene to find the structure with smoke
and flames showing from the front of the residence. Firefighters
were able to contain/extinguish the fire within 10 minutes of
arriving on the scene.

The cause of the fire is believed to be an electrical short near the
electric meter. The homeowner was asleep at the time of the fire and
was awoken by a neighbor beating on the front door.  No injuries were reported.

1st alarm: 06:11
On scene: 06:16
Under Control: 06:26
Units: 13
Firefighters: 26
Injuries: 0
Cause: Electrical Short

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