Board of Commissioners Unofficial Regular Meeting Minutes July 17, 2018

St. Tammany Fire Protection District No. 1

Board of Commissioners

Regular Meeting

July 17, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m.

The prayer and pledge of allegiance were done.

ROLL CALL:  Chairman Crowley and Commissioners Brackett, Hoying, and Gay were present.
Commissioner Rich was absent.


Swear in New Hires: Torrey Dallas, Jonathon Lankford, Casey Lessard
Swear in: Training Officer Austin Graham
                20 Years of Service: Charles Davis, Danny Herod, John Wadsworth


Commissioner Brackett made a motion to approve the updated minutes of the May 15, 2018 meeting. Commissioner Gay seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Hoying made a motion to approve the June 19, 2018 minutes. Commissioner Brackett seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.



  1. Chief’s Report
  1. Significant Monthly Events
  • Health Insurance Renewal- -3% renewal, and no increase to vision and dental
  • 1 resignation- replacement in process
  • Update: Dispatch Intergovernmental Agreement – The City of Covington is meeting this evening and the expectation is that the Council will vote to move forward in signing the agreement. Chief Kaufmann stated that we have interviews set up to offer employment to two of their employees.
  1. Station 13/HQ- Update– Tomorrow is the end of the twelve month and forty days of the contract and the architect is notifying the contractor of this. There will be discussion with the architects and their lawyer to come up with a plan and to notify the bond company to make them aware of the contract expiration date and the $800/day in liquidated damages.
  1. Public Campaign/ Outreach- (none)
  1. Operations Reports – Chief of Operations Kuhn discussed the “Operations” report (June) which covers YTD call totals, Hydrants Inspected, NFIRS Incidents, Dollar Loss/ Dollar Save (by Station location), Average Response Time (by Station) and EMS Call Type and Number of Incidents.
  1. Maintenance Report- Chief of Operations Kuhn discussed the “Maintenance” report (June) which covered preventative maintenances and major repairs performed.
  1. Fire Prevention Report- Chief of Fire Prevention Marquette discussed the monthly “Fire Prevention” report (June) which included Inspections, Public Fire Safety & Education Events, Investigations, and Economic Impact.
  1. Training Report – Chief of Training Bauer discussed the monthly “Training” report (June) which included Classes, Certifications and Revenues.
  1. Communications Report – Chief of Communications Watson discussed the monthly “Communications” report (June) which included call volume and statistics.
  1. General Comments- Aug. 11- Fire Prevention public demonstration at Fremaux Town Center

Commissioner Gay made a motion to accept the Chief’s report. Commissioner Hoying seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

  1. SFFA (Slidell Firefighters Association) – With regards to the Golf Tournament being cancelled, Billy met with the MDA representative regarding additional fundraisers/event options. He further stated that the Association will be cooking at the Red Bean Cook-Off on Aug. 6, 11:00-2:00.
  1. PMI Report –
  1. Employee Benefits – (none)
  2. Human Resource
  1.    2018-031: BOC Resolution (Adopt Fire Records Fee Schedule)

Commissioner Brackett made a motion to adopt Resolution 2018-031, Relating to the Adoption of Fire Report Fee Schedules for District No. 1. Commissioner Gay seconded the motion.

The floor was opened for public comment. There was no public comment.

The motion carried unanimously.

  1. 2018-032: BOC Resolution (Approve Engagement of Architect for Central Station)

Commissioner Gay made a motion to adopt Resolution 2018-032, Relating to the Selection and Engagement of the Architect for Central Station for District No. 1. Commissioner Hoying seconded the motion.

The floor was opened for public comment. There was no public comment.

The motion carried unanimously.

  1. Payroll – Pay scale adjustment was effective June 1.
  2. FRS (Firefighters Retirement System)
  3. VFIS Special Risk Insurance & LWCC
  1.  Duplantier Hrapman Hogan & Maher, LLP-

Mr. DiGiovanni discussed the June financial report.

Commissioner Brackett made a motion to accept the June financial report. Commissioner Hoying seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

  1. Attorney’s Report– Mr. Ingram stated that a lawsuit was filed against various individuals/entities, including Rigolet’s Volunteer Fire Department, Rigolet’s Fire Protection District and Fort Pike Fire Protection District, seeking to enjoin various unauthorized, improper activities.

The court signed the temporary restraining order on July 9. A hearing has been scheduled for July 23.

Commissioner Brackett made a motion to accept the Attorney report. Commissioner Gay seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

  1. Board of Commissioner Comments – (none)

Commissioner Brackett made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Hoying seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

 The meeting adjourned at 6:58 p.m.

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