Sign-Up for ALERT St. Tammany

ALERT St. Tammany is the way in which the Parish can inform you of events such as evacuation orders, security or health issues. By accessing the Self-Registration Page at, you can input your information through a simple two-step process.
This process allows you to enter multiple contact numbers, so in the event that you are away from your home phone or if you only have a cell phone, you can still be reached by our alert system on your mobile phone. This is extremely important, especially considering the on-the-go lifestyles many of us lead today.
Register today for life saving alerts. Public safety issues can happen at any time—night or day. If anyone you know does not have internet access, urge them to visit any local library branch to register through one of their public computers.
If the Parish can’t reach you, they can’t alert you.

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