Official Board of Commissioner\’s Meeting Minutes September 19, 2017

St. Tammany Fire Protection District No. 1

Board of Commissioners

Regular Meeting
September 19, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m.

The prayer and pledge of allegiance were done.

ROLL CALL:  Chairman Crowley and Commissioners Brackett, Hoying, Rich and Gay were present.


5 Years of Service: A. Davis, M. Moroney, B. Sauter
25 Yrs. of Service: C. Duffaut, D. Hall, E. Kreppein, K. Smith
38 Yrs. Of Service: D. Kuhn

Christina Black- Masters in Human Resource Management


Commissioner Gay made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 15, 2017 meeting. Commissioner Brackett seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


1. Chief’s Report
a) Significant Monthly Events
• PIAL Update- Chief Kaufmann stated that we are continuing to work with the evaluator and should receive the results in the near future.
• Wellness Frontiers Award Ceremony- Aug. 22
• Rotary Presentation- Aug. 25
• Radio Equipment Purchase – (Resolution under “PMI” report) – IT Coordinator Thiel requested to move $31,000 from GL code 5830 (Radio Maint.) to GL code 7840 (Radio Equip.) to purchase 11 radios under a special negotiated contract pricing (1/3 of normal price).

b) St. 13/ HQ – Change Order – Chief Kaufmann stated that the foundations are formed. Additionally, there is an approx. $10,000 change order for the dirt work and there is money budgeted to cover this.

c)  2017/ Budget Revision/ 2018 Budget Draft- Committee meeting Sept. 28, 1:00 p.m. Chief Kaufmann stated that a budget will be presented by the October meeting, to be voted on in the November meeting. Chairman Crowley asked that the Board send any budget line item questions/inquiries to Chief Kaufmann.

Chief Kaufman stated that the draft may include a proposal to order a Ladder truck and prepay for it in 2017, based on our Capital Improvement plan. This will replace Ladder 14 that has major engine repairs and other maintenance issues that aren’t worth being repaired.

d) Public Campaign/ Outreach- Citizen’s Academy – Final evolution/ceremony is September 23. Chief Kaufmann recognized the SFFA for their involvement in the event.

Chief Kaufmann stated that there is “Truck Pull” event between Slidell PD, STPSO and our department at 11:00 a.m., at First United Methodist Church on Sept. 23.

e) Operations Reports – Chief of Operations Kuhn discussed the “Operations” report (August) which covers YTD call totals, Hydrants Inspected, NFIRS Incidents, Dollar Loss/ Dollar Save (by Station location), Average Response Time (by Station) and EMS Call Type and Number of Incidents.

f) Maintenance Report- Chief of Operations Kuhn discussed the “Maintenance” report (August) which covered preventative maintenances and major repairs performed.

g) Fire Prevention Report- Chief of Administration Duffaut discussed the monthly “Fire Prevention” report (August) which included Inspections, Public Fire Safety & Education Events, Investigations, and Economic Impact.

Chief Duffaut stated that we have also been conducting the mandatory school lock-down drills, as well as fire drills.

h) Training Report – Chief of Training Bauer discussed the monthly “Training” report (August) which included Classes, Certifications and Revenues.

Chief Bauer stated that we took delivery of the car fire prop and will begin training on it.

Chief Kaufmann stated that we had four candidates in the Paramedic class, and to date, three have passed.

i) General Comments- Chief Kaufmann stated that our banker, Wynn Williams, was present to answer any questions on the Resolution that is going to be presented.

Commissioner Brackett made a motion to accept the Chief’s report. Commissioner Hoying seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

2. SFFA (Slidell Firefighters Association)

3. PMI Report

a.) Employee Benefits

1) Major Medical Insurance Renewal- 3.2% Increase- Effective 10/1/17

b.) Human Resource

1) 2017-034: BOC Resolution (Medical Director Agreement)

Commissioner Brackett made a motion to adopt Resolution 2017-034, Relating to the Ratification of the Medical Director’s Contract for District No.1. Commissioner Rich seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

2) 2017-035: BOC Resolution (Whitney Bank- Treasury Management Services)

Commissioner Brackett made a motion to adopt Resolution 2017-035, Relating to the Approval of Treasury Management Services through Whitney Bank for District No. 1. Commissioner Gay seconded the motion.

Ms. Williams stated that this will allow Chief Kaufmann the authority to designate people for access to online service.

The motion carried unanimously.

3) 2017-036: BOC Resolution (LWCC Workers’ Compensation Renewal)

Commissioner Brackett made a motion to adopt Resolution 2017-036, Relating to the Renewal of the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Coverage for District No.1. Commissioner Hoying seconded the motion.

Mr. Waniewski that the renewal was a 1% increase.

The motion carried unanimously.

4) 2017-037: BOC Resolution (Firefighter II Incentive Pay) & Like Certifications

Commissioner Brackett made a motion to adopt Resolution 2017-037, Relating to the Approval to Increase the FFII Incentive Pay for District No. 1. Commissioner Gay seconded the motion.

Commissioner Rich inquired about the annual impact of this. Chief Kaufmann stated that the impact, including benefits, is approx. $67,000 (for the 2018 budget).

Commissioner Hoying expressed concern in taking a benefit away in the event that we incur a deficit in the future. Mr. Waniewski stated that this has been projected through the 2020 budget. Chief Kaufmann stated that for the past four years, we have been unable to do a salary increase due to the compounding effect that would be unsustainable in the future. The fixed amount that was presented was the fairest option to do something, to show appreciation for all of the hard work that the employees have done.

The motion carried unanimously.

5) 2017-038: BOC Resolution (Purchase 700-Band Radio (s))

Commissioner Brackett made a motion to adopt Resolution 2017-038, Relating to the Approval to Purchase 700 Band Radios for District No. 1. Commissioner Gay seconded the motion.

Commissioner Brackett stated that he feels this is an excellent way to save the taxpayers money and we are getting good equipment.

The motion carried unanimously.

6) 2017-039: BOC Resolution (Purchase (2) Lifepak 15 AED)

Commissioner Brackett made a motion to adopt Resolution 2017-039, Relating to the Approval to Purchase Lifepak 15 AED Defibrillators for District No. 1. Commissioner Rich seconded the motion.

Chief Kaufmann stated that we were approached by Fire Dist. #3 to purchase two used AED’s that they purchased from Fire Dist, #12. The value is more than half of what we are paying, with little usage on them.

The motion carried unanimously.

c.) Payroll – (none)
d.) FRS (Firefighters Retirement System) – (none)
e.) VFIS Special Risk Insurance & LWCC- (none)

Commissioner Brackett made a motion to accept the PMI report. Commissioner Hoying seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

4.  Duplantier Hrapman Hogan & Maher, LLP- Mr. DiGiovanni stated that the 2018 budget will be presented to be voted on in the November meeting. Additionally, a 2017 budget amendment will be presented.

Mr. DiGiovanni discussed the August financial report.

Commissioner Gay made a motion to accept the August financial report. Commissioner Brackett seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

5. Attorney’s Report
a) EXECUTIVE SESSION: Discussion- Bric Bybee vs. LQ Management, et al
Docket 2012-10219, Division “F”, 22nd Judicial Court, Parish of St. Tammany

Commissioner Brackett made a motion to go into Executive Session. Commissioner Hoying seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Executive Session convened at 7:02 p.m.

The Regular meeting reconvened at 7:14 p.m.

There was no action taken in Executive Session.

Commissioner Brackett made a motion to accept the Attorney report. Commissioner Gay seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

6. Board of Commissioner Comments – (none)

Commissioner Brackett made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Hoying seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

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