Board of Commissioners Unofficial Regular Meeting Minutes April 18, 2017

St. Tammany Fire Protection District No. 1

Board of Commissioners

Regular Meeting

April 18, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m.
The prayer and pledge of allegiance were done.

ROLL CALL:  Chairman Crowley and Commissioners Brackett, Rich, Hoying, and Gay were present.

LWCC Dividend Check Presentation- Mr. Posner presented the department with a $315,845 dividend check. Since 2003, the department has received $1,709,288 in dividends.
Mr. Coco recognized the department’s selection as a “Safest 70” award recipient.

Swear In: Fire Prevention Officer Louis Melancon
Communication Officer George Dupuis (to be done at May meeting)

15 years of Service: Mike Thiel (to be done at May meeting)
Retirement Recognition: Carolyn Gilmore
Commissioner Gay made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 21, 2017 meeting. Commissioner Hoying seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

a)  St.13/ HQ – (Resolution under “PMI”)Attorney Ingram stated that a background search was conducted, as a part of our due diligence, and after discussing the results with Chief’s Kaufmann and Duffaut, is was determined that Steven’s Construction & Design is the responsive and responsible bidder. As a result, the Administration is recommending that Stevens Construction & Design LLC be awarded the bid.

1.Chief’s Report
a)Significant Monthly Events
·1 resignation, employment has been offered
b)St. 13/ HQ
c)Annual BOC Tier II Financial Disclosure– email reminder was sent 1/3/17
d)Discussion- Capital Strategy Follow-up Meeting– (May 2, 1:00 p.m.)
e)Public Campaign/ Outreach- Fire Extinguisher Date (May- Date TBD)
f)Operations Reports – Chief Kaufmann discussed the “Operations” report (March) which covers YTD call totals, Hydrants Inspected, NFIRS Incidents, Dollar Loss/ Dollar Save (by Station location), Average Response Time (by Station) and EMS Call Type and Number of Incidents.
g)Maintenance Report- Chief Kaufmann discussed the “Maintenance” report (March) which covered preventative maintenances and major repairs performed.
Chief Kaufmann stated that the two new engines are in and they are being outfitted with equipment.
h)Fire Prevention Report- Chief of Fire Prevention Marquette discussed the monthly “Fire Prevention” report (March) which included Inspections, Public Fire Safety & Education Events, Investigations, and Economic Impact.
i)Training Report – Chief Kaufmann discussed the monthly “Training” report (March) which included Classes, Certifications and Revenues.
Chief Kaufmann stated that we have conducted three Mass Casualty Incident (active shooter in a school) drills and the feedback has been great.

j)General Comments
·Reb & Blue Gala- the event was great and a huge success
·Conducted Platoon and Division Meetings
·FC Evaluation Comments- Chief Kaufmann thanked the Board for a favorable evaluation and stated that he enjoys working with them and is honored to serve this district and community.
Commissioner Hoying made a motion to accept the Chief’s report. Commissioner Brackett seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

2.SFFA (Slidell Firefighters Association)
·MDA Golf Tournament- April 28

3.PMI Report

a.)Employee Benefits
b.)Human Resource

1)2017-017: BOC Resolution (HQ & Station 13 Funding Cap)
Commissioner Rich made a motion to adopt Resolution 2017-017, Relating to the Approval of funds for Headquarters and Station 13 for District No.1. Commissioner Gay seconded the motion.
This Resolution brings the project from $2,500,000 to an amount not to exceed $3,000,000. Chief Kaufmann stated that Stevens Construction has agreed to include reverse change orders, if applicable.
The motion carried unanimously.

2)2017-018: BOC Resolution (Award Stevens Construction & Design, LLC as Responsive and Lowest Responsible Bidder for HQ & Station 13)
Commissioner Brackett made a motion to adopt Resolution 2017-018, Relating to the Awarding of the Bid for the Construction of Headquarters and Station 13 for District No.1. Commissioner Rich seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

3)2017-019: BOC Resolution (Approve VFIS Renewal- Commercial Property, Casualty, & Auto Insurance Coverage)

Commissioner Brackett made a motion to adopt Resolution 2017-019, Relating to the Renewal of the Commercial Property, Casualty & Auto Insurance for District No.1. Commissioner Rich seconded the motion.
Mr. Waniewski stated that the renewal was a 1% increase
The motion carried unanimously.

4)2017-020: BOC Resolution (Surplus “No Value” Equipment)
Commissioner Brackett made a motion to adopt Resolution 2017-020, Relating to the Surplus of Equipment for District No.1. Commissioner Gay seconded the motion.
Mr. McDonald stated that the Resolution reflected “Exhibit A”; however, the exhibit was not posted for public review. Mr. Waniewski stated that it was old radios and PC’s that are obsolete, with no value.
Commissioner Gay made a motion to table Resolution 2017-020, to allow for public review. Commissioner Brackett seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

c.)Payroll – (none)
d.)FRS (Firefighters Retirement System) – (none)
e.)VFIS Special Risk Insurance & LWCC-
1)VFIS Renewal Quote/ Approval (1% rate increase)
2)LWCC Dividend: $315,845
Mr. Waniewski stated that we were originally told to expect 40% of last year’s dividend and then LWCC released a memorandum, to agents, stating that the dividend would be 60% of the last five year average. He further stated that the release was immediately pulled, and a second release was recevied advising of the $315,845 dividend.
Mr. Waniewski stated that there are more than 20,000 policyholders with LWCC and our department has been recognized as top “Safest 70”.
Commissioner Brackett made a motion to accept the PMI report. Commissioner Rich seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
4. Duplantier Hrapman Hogan & Maher, LLP- Mr. DiGiovanni discussed the March financial report.
Commissioner Brackett made a motion to accept the March financial report. Commissioner Gay seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
5.Attorney’s Report- (discussed above)
6.Board of Commissioner Comments – Commissioner Hoying asked if we have an update on PIAL. Chief Kaufmann stated that they have reviewed the packet we submitted (office work) and they are scheduled to come onsite in August. He further stated that there are a couple items, through communications prior to our submittal, there we have done an after action report on and are addressing.
Chief Kaufmann stated that we attended a Legislative Auditor training session, on March 30, for the updates with the millage process. He further stated that we are starting the budget process.
Commissioner Brackett made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Gay seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m.

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