Board of Commissioners Draft Regular Meeting Minutes November 15, 2016

~~ St. Tammany Fire Protection District No. 1

Board of Commissioners

Regular Meeting
November 15, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m.

The prayer and pledge of allegiance were done.

ROLL CALL:  Chairman Crowley and Commissioners Brackett, Hoying, Rich and Gay were present.


Chad Duffaut- Master’s in Business Administration

5 Yrs. Of Service: Taylor Bass, John “Austin” Thomas


Commissioner Brackett made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 18, 2016 meeting. Commissioner Rich seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


1. Public Hearing- 2017 Budget – The floor was open for public comment on the 2017 budget.

Mr. Fred McDonald- Mr. McDonald stated that the proposed budget shows revenue receipts of $18,975,851 and the total operating expenses shows $17,186,817 with a net ordinary income of $1,789,034. Mr. McDonald inquired as to what happens with the approx. $1.8M surplus. Mr. DiGiovanni explained that the operating expenses are before any capital expenses.

Mr. McDonald stated that when comparing the total receipts ($18,975,851) and total expenditures ($ 17,919,117) there is approx. $1M extra, and inquired into what it is being used for. Mr. DiGiovanni stated $626,074 is dedicated and transferred to other funds (Debt Service, Major Apparatus, etc.). Mr. DiGiovanni stated that the $430,000 that is shown is the budgeted surplus, and by Resolution those funds go into the Major Apparatus Fund.

2. Chief’s Report

a.) Update- Station 13/HQ – Chief Kaufmann stated that there is a Resolution under the “PMI” report that authorizes the advertisement for bids. He further stated that we are near finalizing the drawings and specifications.

b.) First NBC- Chief Kaufmann stated that Commissioners Gay and Rich participated in discussions with our banker, Wynn Williams, who contacted us regarding media coverage of First NBC and their financial status. He further stated that it was confirmed that our financial investments are protected by securities which are being watched daily. Chief Kaufmann stated that as a “safety net” he recommends being given the opportunity to select another financial institution to open an account with a minimal deposit.

Commissioner Hoying addressed Ms. Wynn Williams and inquired into the timeline that is anticipated in accomplishing the “get well” plan. Ms. Williams stated that they should be back to an “A” grading by the end of the year, if not sooner. Ms. Williams further explained that tax credits caused the liquidity drop, as First NBC spread its deficit throughout the years, instead of taking it in the year that the credit was done. As a result, the audits were redone and all of the liabilities were paid at one time, at the end of 2015. When the results came out in 2016, the perception did not look good; however, our money is safe.

Commissioner Hoying inquired into the revenue that we would receive from moving some funds to another financial institution vs. what we are currently receiving. Mr. DiGiovanni stated that it would be less than half. Mr. DiGiovanni also stated that after the 4th quarter, which is 6 weeks away, we’ll have a better picture of what’s going on; therefore, he doesn’t feel the need to rush to open another account anywhere.

Ms. Williams stated that they offer a lot of free services for us, and requested that we partner and stay strong with First NBC.

c.) Fire Grant- Badge System- Chief Kaufmann stated that we have two grant opportunities to sign off on, and both grants revolve around the accountability (ID) system. We are looking to get the base model through the EOC, with a small departmental percentage obligation.

d.)  PEMAC Grant- (Parish Emergency Management Advisory Committee) – Chief Kaufman stated that this would build on the badge system with additional components. This is a parish-wide system that can be used in the event that we have a large incident or natural disaster.

Chief Kaufmann stated that we are hosting a multi-agency drill (terrorist evolution) in December with GOHSEP.

e.) FRS Final Settlement- Chief Kaufmann stated that we have the check for the final litigation settlement and it is now resolved.

f.) Public Campaign/ Outreach- Turkey Fryer Demonstration- 11/19, 2:00 p.m.
Christmas Tree Burn Demonstration- 12/10, 4:00 p.m.

g.) Operations Report- Chief Kaufmann discussed the “Operations” report (October) which covers YTD call totals, Hydrants Inspected, NFIRS Incidents, Dollar Loss/ Dollar Save (by Station location), Average Response Time (by Station) and EMS Call Type and Number of Incidents.

h.) Maintenance Report- Chief Kaufmann discussed the “Maintenance” report (October) which covered preventative maintenances and major repairs performed.

Chief Kaufmann stated that we are working on the qualifications and the advertisement for the mechanic position.

i.) Training Report – Chief Kaufmann discussed the “Training” report (October) which included Classes, Certifications and Revenues

j.) Fire Prevention Report- Chief of Fire Prevention Marquette discussed the monthly “Fire Prevention” report (October) which included Inspections, Public Fire Safety & Education Events, Investigations, and Economic Impact.

k.) General Comments- Chief Kaufmann stated that in the 2016 budget we approved $50,000 for an out-building at the maintenance barn. We originally solicited bids for a pole barn; however we are going to do an enclosed structure (metal bldg.) which is approx. $10,000- $15,000 more than what was budgeted. Chief Kaufmann stated that this will be a better value for the money we are spending.

Commissioner Brackett made a motion to accept the Chief’s report. Commissioner Gay seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

3. SFFA (Slidell Firefighters Association)

  • MDA Book Shake- December 10, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., at Gause and Rue Rochelle. This year the fire stations will also be open for anyone that wants to make any donations.

Union President Dekemel invited the Board to come out for the boot-shake, as well as any other event that the Union has. He further stated that the Union appreciates the relationship that they have with the Board.

  • Raffle Drawing in progress for David Smith’s Grave Marker- Six Saint’s tickets are being raffled off for this benefit.

4. PMI Report- (presented by Chad Danenhower)

a.) Employee Benefits

b.) Human Resource

1) 2016-046: BOC Resolution (Approve 2017 Budget)

Commissioner Hoying made a motion to adopt Resolution 2016-046, Relating to the Approval of the 2017 Budget for District No.1. Commissioner Brackett seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

2) 2016-047: BOC Resolution (Advertise for Public Bids- Headquarters & St. 13)

Commissioner Gay made a motion to adopt Resolution 2016-047, Relating to the Advertisement for Public Bid(s) for the Construction of Headquarters & St. 13 for District No.1 Commissioner Rich seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

3) 2016-048: BOC Resolution (Select & Engage 2nd Financial Institution)- POSTPONED- NO ACTION

Commissioner Brackett made a motion to postpone Resolution 2016-048, Relating to the Selection and Engagement by Administration of a Secondary Financial Institution for District No.1. Commissioner Hoying                     seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

c.) Payroll – (none)
d.) FRS (Firefighters Retirement System) – (none)
e.) VFIS Special Risk Insurance & LWCC

Commissioner Brackett made a motion to accept the PMI report. Commissioner Rich seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

5. Duplantier Hrapman Hogan & Maher, LLP- Mr. DiGiovanni discussed the October financial report.

Commissioner Gay made a motion to accept the October financial report. Commissioner Rich seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

6. Attorney’s Report-
a.) Millage Document Update- Attorney Ingram stated that the Legislative Auditor’s office has approved our millage package.

Chief Kaufmann stated that he received an e-mail from the Assessor’s office with the certified tax roll (certified on Wednesday, November 9). Additionally, there are twelve (12) 2016 appeals to the Louisiana Tax Commission which include 2 hotels and 6 multi- family tax credit properties. Homestead Exemptions will also continue to be filed and be processed according to state law and some additional Louisiana Tax Commission Change Orders will be forthcoming as a result of appeals, corrections and special assessments etc. but in reduced volume and magnitude as compared to in the past.  The Tax Credits are an annual battle involved in litigation now at the appellant court level. He further stated that most of the tax appeals are in FD1 and FD12.

Commissioner Brackett made a motion to accept the Attorney report. Commissioner Rich seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

7. Board comments

Commissioner Brackett made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Hoying seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 7:08 p.m.

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