FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – 4848 Pontchartrain Dr.

January 19, 2013

Date of incident January 19, 2013

Commercial Structure Fire at 4848 Pontchartrain Dr.

Slidell, LA.-St. Tammany Fire District#1 responded to a
commercial structure fire at 4848 Pontchartrain Dr. in Slidell. 
Firefighters arrived on the scene in a little under 6 minutes
to find smoke showing from a 7700 square foot apartment building.  
One building with seven units in the Sea Oats Townhouse Apartments
had smoke coming from an upstairs bedroom window.  Firefighters
were able to extinguish the fire within 5 minutes of arriving
on the scene.

The tenant in the apartment was not home at the time of the fire. 
Tenants in the adjacent apartments were alerted by the sound of
smoke detectors going off in the apartment.  All of the other
tenants were able to safely evacuate their apartments.  The
1100 square foot apartment received heavy fire damage to one
upstairs bedroom and light smoke damage throughout the rest of
the apartment.  The cause of the fire is believed to be a discarded
cigarette in a bedroom trash can.  No one was injured and the tenant
will be relocated to a vacant apartment in the complex.

1st alarm: 11:09:49
On scene: 11:15:40
Under Control: 11:21:00
Units: 11
Firefighters: 26
Injuries: 0
Cause: Discarded cigarette

For more information contact Chief of Fire Prevention Chad A. Duffaut
at 985-646-4387

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