FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Residential Structure Fire at 37023 15th St.

November 29, 2012

Date of incident November 28, 2012

Residential Structure Fire at 37023 15th St.

Slidell, LA.-St. Tammany Fire District#1 responded to a residential structure fire at 37023 15th St. in Slidell.  In just over 9 minutes firefighters arrived on the scene to find a 1000 square foot mobile home with flames and smoke coming from the residence. Firefighters were able to extinguish the fire within 23 minutes of arriving on the scene.

It appears that the fire started in the laundry room of the mobile home.  There was heavy fire damage to over half of the mobile home.  The mobile home had been vacant for the past few months.  The cause of the fire is undetermined at this time.  The fire was discovered by a neighbor.  No injuries were reported.

1st alarm: 22:09:03
On scene: 22:18:31
Under Control: 22:42:06
Units: 10
Firefighters: 19
Injuries: 0
Cause: Undetermined

For more information contact Chief of Fire Prevention Chad A. Duffaut
at 985-646-4387

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