FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Residential Structure Fire at 62105 Airport Rd.

November 17, 2012

Date of incident November 17, 2012

Residential Structure Fire at 62105 Airport Rd.

Slidell, LA.-St. Tammany Fire District#1 responded to a residential structure fire at 62105 Airport Rd., just north of Interstate 12.  In 7 minutes firefighters arrived on the scene to find a 2000 square foot duplex with heavy smoke showing from one side of the residence.  Firefighters were able to extinguish the fire within 9 minutes of arriving on the scene.

Firefighters pulled two occupants from the residence. Both occupants were placed on oxygen and medically evaluated by firefighter/paramedics.  They were later transported by a local ambulance company to Slidell Memorial Hospital for further evaluation and treatment.

The cause of the blaze was a cooking fire on the stove.  There was moderate fire damage to the kitchen and extensive smoke and heat damage throughout the rest of the home.  The fire was discovered by a neighbor who saw smoke coming from the residence.

1st alarm: 00:11
On scene: 00:18
Under Control: 00:27
Units: 9
Firefighters: 15
Injuries: 2
Cause: Cooking Fire

For more information contact Chief of Fire Prevention Chad A. Duffaut
at 985-646-4387

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