I. A public hearing will be held as follows:

Date: July 17, 2012
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Place: The Tower’s Bldg., 520 Old Spanish Trail, Slidell, Louisiana 70458

Close public hearing; Adjourn

II. A public meeting will be held as follows:

Date: July 17, 2012
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Place: The Tower’s Bldg., 520 Old Spanish Trail, Slidell, Louisiana 70458

Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes
Old Business:
a.) EAP Contract- Revised Renewal
b.) Station 14 Project
New Business:
1. Chief’s Report
a.) Adopt the millage rate (s).
b.) Years of Service Recognitions
c.) 2011 Audit
d.) 2012 Proposed budget Revision
2. PMI Report
a.) Employee Benefits
b.) Human Resource
1. 2011-008: BOC Resolution (Referred to Civil Service (OSE))
2. 2011-009: BOC Resolution (Referred to Civil Service (OSE))
3. 2012-013: BOC Resolution (EAP Renewal)- tabled
4. 2012-014: BOC Resolution (Resend BOC Resolution 2011-037)
5. 2012-015: BOC Resolution (Station 14 Renovations)- tabled
6. 2012-016: BOC Resolution (Resend BOC Resolution 2011-013)
7. 2012-017: BOC Resolution (“Date of Discovery/ Date of Certification”
Recognition for Incentive Pay
c.) Payroll
1. District ER Contribution Inc (Major Medical Only)- 07/01/2012
2. FRS ER Contribution Inc: 23.25% to 24% (07/01/2012) Adjusted to 26%
(poverty status), as applicable
d.) FRS (Firefighters Retirement System)
1. FRS Back Pay Audit- pay off balance (outstanding)
2. FRS 2006- Outstanding audit acknowledgement (filed as not in agreement
with FRS determination)
e.) VFIS Special Risk Insurance & LWCC
3. DiGiovanni & Associates, CPAs LLC
4. Attorney’s Report
5. Adjournment

Cheryl Gross, Secretary, Board of Commissioners
St. Tammany Fire District #1
1358 Corporate Square Dr. Slidell, LA 70458
(985) 649-3665

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special
assistance, please contact Carolyn Gilmore at (985) 646-4861, describing
the assistance that is necessary.

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